31st (2022)
HKU | Aarushi Goyal | Industrial engineering and Logistics Management | |
BU | ALFAJARDO Jessa Nemenzo | BBA (Hons) Entrepreneurship and Psychology (Minor) | |
PolyU | Chan Shu Lam, Phoebe | 陳舒琳 | Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship |
CU | Chau Hung Yeung | 周鴻揚 | Bachelor of Nursing |
CUHK | Chim Pui Yuen | 詹培炫 | Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business Studies |
HKUST | Chong Kwok Lung | 莊國龍 | BBA (Economics and Information Systems) |
HKUST | Chui Bibo | 徐爾雅 | Information Systems and Management |
HKMU | Chui Shing Hang | 徐誠亨 | Bachelor in Hotel and Sustainable Tourism Management |
HKU | Ho Ho Yin | 何浩賢 | BEng (MedE), BBA (Wealth Management) |
HKU | Ho Yung Ting | 何雍婷 | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – (English) |
PolyU | Kwok Wing Yan | 郭熲恩 | BSc (HONS) Physiotherapy |
PolyU | Law Lai Ping | 羅麗萍 | Chinese and Bilingual Studies |
HKU | Law Shu Wah Emma | 羅書華 | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology major) |
CUHK | Lee Yee Lam | 李綺琳 | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) |
HSU | Li Man | 李文 | Data Science and Business Intelligence |
HSU | Lim Tian Xin | 林天欣 | BSocSc Psychology & Counselling |
CityU | Liu Blanche Bo Kay Eufrosina | 廖葆淇 | Bachelor of Law |
HKUST | Ngau Ming De Pearl | 牛明德 | Bachelor of Science in Global China Studies |
HKU | Yeung Lok Sze | 楊樂思 | The Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences |
BU | Yeung Wing Kwan | 楊詠鈞 | Bachelor of Government and International Studies |